I am very new to the dynamo and I am trying to find out if there is a way to associate the keynote legend with a component legend?
Right now I have built the keynote legend in excel, I export the excel to the Revit as a text file. This text file generates the keynote legend. In order to better visualize I want to add the component under the keynote number. Right now it has been done manually by pulling out the detail family component to the new legend and the legend is put on top of the Keynote as in the picture, but I wonder is there a smarter way to do it with Dynamo?
only way that i see would be creating detailcomponents that look like legend elements. They have parameters and them you can drive by your keyschedule-parameters.
i did this for systemfamilies which were composted by diferent layers…
Bit of an old thread - but you can get the component type parameter of a legend component and relate this back to a family type. You can then use use a generic annotation family with the fields/formatting you want, then you can pull the parameter from the family type and push it into the generic annotation closest to the correct legend component.