Hello everybody. I need to create multi-view blocks using Dynamo.
I know about the Camber package version 4.0.0, which allows you to interact with multi-view blocks, but I’m not sure that these blocks can be created using them. I just started studying Dynamo and I don’t fully understand everything yet)
I have a database of 2D and 3D blocks and I would like to automate the process so that with a database of blocks I can create multi-view blocks.
P.S. Sorry for my English) I wrote with the help of a translator.
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To be able to get support quicker, please check our [how to get help on Dynamo guideline]. It would be great to see what you have tried until now with a screenshot or file of your project. (How to get help on the Dynamo forums).
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@zachri.jensen Hi
I tried the method you suggested, but my last two nodes show null.
How can I then use a script to fill a multi-view block with regular blocks?
Check the input. It might ask for name as string.
If you need to convert use string from Object.
Also check the levels for the input for coordinate system on the last node.
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@patrick.ericson Thanks for the advice.
But I input a list of strings obtained from Excel and they are not objects. At the same time, I tried to do the same as @zachri.jensen showed me on the screenshot.
Below is a screenshot from @zachri.jensen
Sometimes, some of the package nodes are not working very well if Dynamo IronPython 2.7 or 3 package is not installed in the machine. Can you confirm that it is installed?