Hello all,
I am trying to create node of sorts that will place a FamilyInstance based on the Family Type and the orientation of the family type to a point in a room.
Hello all,
I am trying to create node of sorts that will place a FamilyInstance based on the Family Type and the orientation of the family type to a point in a room.
Can you show us what you have so far? Should just be a few nodes to place and rotate the family.
Current dynamo script.
Testing out a family instance placement that follows the perimeter of a room.
I want this:
Furniture that traverses revit room in correct orientation
But currently have this:
**Also I am very new to programming, using a a lot of samples I have found online to piece this together. So if there is a better way, I’m ready to see!
It looks like you’re rotating your elements about the wrong axis and without an angle.