Thanks Daniel, for pointing to the post “Flip Work Plane Equivalent” I didn’t find it under a “mirroring” search. In my graph I am actually using a filtering process to locate the families that need to be mirrored, so that process works well.
I appreciate your posted python code, but in trying to understand the coding process, it would be helpful not only to myself, but others coming to grips with what does what in coding, that there is a little breakdown on what is happening in the code. (Just a thought to accelerating knowledge).
However in the end, and it was easier using the built node from the Clockwork package, as pointed out by Mostafa_El_Ayoubi.
The resulting graph for Mirroring or flipping multiple families is uploaded here. 5-MIRROR_FAMILY.dyn (5.7 KB)
Note the family requires a flip control in it, and some process to filter the families to only mirror those desired, I have used a family parameter named “flipped”.