why when Creating a dictionary with key as a file path removes the drive letter from the dictionary key? for example a file path “C:\Users\lol\OneDrive - lol\Desktop\Level Schedule Copy 1.txt” appears in dictionary key as “\Users\lol\OneDrive - lol\Desktop\Level Schedule Copy 1.txt”
What package is that node from
I do not use packages
the dynamo of revit 2021
it seems it does not display it well as the result of a dictionary output in dynamo, but appears correct if you get the dictionary key? what scam is this?
Might i suggest upgrading your Revit version? I don’t think 2021 is supported any longer and could be a security risk.
It works in 2021 for me too, if that matters
I do not say it does not work, but I read the dictionary key without the drive letter “C:” even it is there it does not display for some reason the dynamo output so I thought it is wrong, if I can get the dictionary key later it is fine, just by reading was not correct
I assume the : is an illegal character for some reason in the preview.
its not necessarily removing the drive letter, its just cutting off anything before ‘:’
I assume its because key and value are separated by a :
The actual dict handles it fine, but the preview doesnt.
yeah, causing me headache for no reason haha, need to understand what Dynamo does as well
Nobody knows that for sure