Create walls on the room boundary

Hi everyone!

I started the frist steps in Dynamo and I would like to create walls through room boundary, but when I run there is warning like

any tip? Thanks

You’ll have to show the dropdowns of the inputs/outputs for those problematic nodes, displaying the error for them would help as well.

At a guess, your ‘Wall Finish’ parameter string isn’t matching a wall type for the WallType.ByName node.

Thanks a lot!

I send the file and the image with the warning

CreateWallsfromRoomBoundary.dyn (26.4 KB)

Yep, it is what I thought.

You’re getting a string ‘PA’ from your parameter. The WallType node is then looking for a wall type with the name ‘PA’ and not finding one. You need to create a wall type called ‘PA’, or enter a full type name of a wall type in your project as your ‘Wall Finish’ parameter.

Alternatively, if ‘PA’ is your keynote/type mark, you could get all wall types in the project, get their keynotes/type marks, find the one that matches your parameter code, then feed that into the wall creation node.

I will try, thanks