Create Unique Rooms From Excel

Hey ppl.
I had a script to create rooms from excel.I want to take it to another
From Excel Rooms.dyn (67.1 KB)
level. If i update or add new rooms to excel sheet , dynamo re-creates already exsited rooms .I achieved to get new rooms list but i don’t know how to create the unique ones.

From Excel Rooms Data
Room Data.xlsx (12.2 KB)
Revit Room Example.txt (7.4 MB)

That is because you aren’t fitlering any data coming from the Excel.

I would get all rooms → filter based on the unique parameters of the excel data → whatever data is left, create rooms.

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Yea I coudnt figure out how to filter Excel data

Select the paramaters you want to filter on, then check if the data exists. I think you would end up with a All.True node and a boolmask with specific lacing. It depends on the amount of parameters on how to set them. I think you should test it based on two (number & name) and expand from here. Test it within Dynamo to see which rooms would be left over, before you even connect it to any room creating nodes

Thanks i will try. :pray:

In my case i set the differences but there’s no rooms created with the ones i differed. So how i can bool mask for the non-created rooms?
I thought i could find something similar to “vlookup” in excel.

You are feeding the boolmask a string. You need to feed it a boolean. So you need an “==” for instance.

However your List.SetDifference node is already quite powerful, I would instead connect the output of that to a IndexOf node, then List.GetItemAtIndex again, grabbing the items from that index.
You can then use that same index for the other parameters you want to set, unless you use a Sorting in between

Essentially doing the ‘Vlookup’

Oh and make sure to read the errors, they aren’t scary, they are helpful

I think i have proceeded a bit with your help.How can i achieve to get the excel data as smilar to vlookup from this point?

Where did I say to use a RestOfItems node?

Just connect
GetItemAtIndex → List.IndexOf → GetItemAtIndex

RestOfItems is for eleminating first row of excel.
I could come to this point.

I don’t think you understand Dynamo syntax very well.

Do this:

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100% correct. I’m just using trail and error method to learn.ANd making research at the same time Thanks a lot for your help.
You solved the problem:)