Is there a way to make a surface of multiple sloped glazings?
In want to use this for attaching the wall to my roofs. Otherwise I have the click each roof to attach…
I’m trying this method because I can’t find a way to attach a wall to top with dynamo.
There are multiple topic out there but it looks like its not posible.
Not exposed in the Revit API, so my recommendation is to edit the wall’s sketch. Sadly you have a gap between roofs which will need to be adjusted first no matter what method you want to use.
Hi @Joos_T as Jacob say we cant attach walls to roof, but you could try wall by profile from wombat or wall by surface from synthezise or probably wall by face with these limits it gets…
Thank yo for you reply.
I’m already using Roof by footprint from Wombat. This is how I create mulitple roofs at diffent lengths. It probably will create to many walls in this way but i’m going to try!
Likely, but how would you do so? Best to clean up your original roof first; is there really a gap between the roofs at that point, or is there something covering the void? Why not work with that?
Whitch revit version are you in ? wombat wall by profile in 2024 doesnt work so good, here is an exemple where i use synthezise wall by surface…or here is one for python…Create wall by profile Python - #5 by christian.stan
yes i just use ampersand package for split and synthezise toolkit package for walls…it is just a fast exemple and you will probably need to play around with in your actuel case with gap between roof