Create surface from Polyline point

I am wondering how to select a polyline and create a surface from the points on the polyline.
I tried the method in the image but it didn’t work.

If I could do this, it would be useful for creating a simple layer boundary from several layer cross sections.

Polycurve.Points might exist in your Dynamo version. Using that into Surface.ByPerimeterPoints should make short work of this.

If that node doesn’t exist as you’re on an older build, pull the start point of each curve segment as you are. Since your polycurve is closed (you can not make a surface otherwise) the end points are all duplicated by the subsequent start point.

you need to work backwards from this node…

Tin Surface - Create From Polyline (Selection).dyn (23.9 KB)

try this…

Thank you. I tried it, but I got the following error message.

List First Item operation failed.
Index out of range.
Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

Listflatten operation failed.
Object reference not set to an object instance.

Do you have any idea how to solve the problem?

If you post your .dwg I can take a look. I think you don’t have a cogo point group in your drawing.

If that doesn’t work….

You must be using the most current version of C3D and dynamo. That too could be the problem. Which version of C3D dynamo are you using ?