Creating Solid from Points

Hi ,
I am trying to create a solid by using points which I have extracted from a surface at a particular grid location. Can anyone please guide me how can I proceed? I have attached my dyn File.
SurfaceGridPoints.dyn (26.4 KB)

PolyCurve.ByPoints into Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid should work.

Hi @jacob.small ,
Thanks for your reply , I have tried this but getting error as snip attached.

What does the warning say? Can you show the shape of the geometry that has been produced ?

Hi @jacob.small,
I am getting error as " Warning: Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid operation failed.
Could not make patch surfaces : API_FAILED – operation unsuccessful"
and no shape produced.

What about this? You should have some geometry preview in Dynamo if you zoom correctly. Highlight the polycurve node, activate the background preview, and zoom extents.

No preview is showing, I have turned on preview but nothing is visible , I have set Point export in csv that I am getting properly.

Make sure that your polycurve is closed.

Here Is my exported points , I am not able to see preview so can’t say its closed or not.
Defra for Dynamo.txt (389.0 KB)

Here are the points. But do you want a solid for your surface?

Oh, That’s great,
Yes I need solid using these points.

Do you mean a Civil3D topography, or a Dynamo Solid? How would you accomplish what you are after in the user interface?

I want to create dynamo solid that can be directly save as .dwg file.

The higher the accuracy, the heavier the processing

pointsSolid.dyn (43.8 KB)

Hi @Vikram_Subbaiah ,
Thanks for the help, its working well .You made my day Today. Thanks once again.
Can you please do me one more help, I wanted to save this solid as a new dwg file , can you suggest me how can I proceed?