I have a line in my Dynamo Space and I would like to only use this line, since it’s based on a PointCloud (with some calculations in between), to create a Revit dimension.
However the only nodes in Dynamo (I could find) and the only Forum posts I found used Revit elements as references. However I don’t have any Revit objects to reference this on since there is only a PointCloud in my model.
I was wondering if there is a way to create a dimension in Revit from just a standalone Dynamo line.
Revit dimensions need references. You cannot create a Revit Dimension without a reference. Therefore, you will need to create 2 “items” (tiny lines, generic model elments, etc) for a Revit dimension to reference.
That said - there is another way. If you create a custom generic adaptive component - you can get creative and have a shared reporting parameter that reports the length of the adaptive, then use a tag to “tag” the length. The process for placing a 2 point adaptive using a line is covered elsewhere here on the forum.
Perhaps add placing the dimension on the named reference planes in the adaptive component directly and making the line a reference line so it isn’t displayed. This could achieve the desired print results and also allow scheduling/reporting/QA for dimensions outside a range (too big, too small, etc.).