Create Material With Excel

Hi Guys…
Im trying to make a “Create Material” use Excel File…
i just want make Excel Column “A” > Revit Material Name .
I Don’t care about Color , Patten , everyting…
I don’t know can i make a dynamo logic.
I just wanna Create Materials that’s name is Excel File column “A”

plz help me.

The question regarding if you can is impossible to answer by anyone but yourself…

If you show what you have so far and where you get stuck people might be more inclined to giving you a nudge in the right direction. But if you cannot find a complete solution on the forum your best bet is to actually but your back into it and give it a shot, and once you get stuck post some screenshots etc of your attempts.

The general “rule” is, if it can be done in Revit it can be done in Dynamo. (If it cannot be done in Revit it will not be possible in Dynamo either)… Dynamo is simply a shell automating tedious tasks for the lazy user (and yes, all people using Dynamo are lazy and do not want to do tedious tasks repeatedly) :wink: