Create elements By wall bug

I’m trying to create light steel frame profiles by wall.
These are Structural framing families that are placed along a wall

I get a bug when i try to set the parameters Start Join Cutback and the parameter End Join cutback,

It states that there is no parameter by that name in revit… but there is one clearly.

I’ll update the Graph and the revit file. All you need is use the select model element node, select a wall in the model and run the graph.

Thank you!

Found this topic on the exact same subject. Tryed putting an transaction start node before the structural framing creation node and a transaction end node after the creation of these families… it kinda helps, but the graph is still glitchy…
I think that the problem is with the node StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve… Does anyone knows a way to do it through the API?

Thanks in advance!

I managed to find the solution.
It was indeed related to the transaction node… It worked when i created every Structural framing family using a single instance of the node StructuralFraming.ByBrace