I would like to know how I could extract the information from the model as well as the image of the element and send it to word in an organized and personalized way I have no idea how to do it and I have not found any dynamo package that helps me in my goal
Word format (docx and doc) isn’t easy to deal with in Dynamo at the moment. Perhaps there is another route to get what you need.
What is the end goal you are after? Is it for a PDF of cut sheets? Or some other project deliverable?
The objective is to create the descriptive memories of the elements in the project and to be able to have them in editable form as a doc and after that export it in pdf as a deliverable
Hello @ammed.riveros …here is a way to export to word (doc)
I think it would be best to use another format then. HTML, or even Revit would do the trick.
Admitting that the format is not too complex, here is an simple example with Word Interop
import sys
import clr
import System
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
import System.Drawing
from System.Windows.Forms import Clipboard
import Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word as Word
import System.Runtime.InteropServices
source_filenamePath = IN[0]
# clear session
word_application = Word.ApplicationClass()
word_application = None
word_application = Word.ApplicationClass()
word_application.visible = True
doc_word = word_application.Documents.Open(source_filenamePath)
fecSymb = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements()
imgSize = System.Drawing.Size( 100, 100 )
for symb in fecSymb:
# add Image
bitm = symb.GetPreviewImage(imgSize)
doc_end1 = doc_word.Content.End -1
doc_end2 = doc_word.Content.End
rng = doc_word.Range(doc_end1, doc_end2)
# add NAme and Description
doc_end1 = doc_word.Content.End -1
doc_end2 = doc_word.Content.End
rng = doc_word.Range(doc_end1, doc_end2)
famName = symb.Family.Name
symbName = Element.Name.GetValue(symb)
description = symb.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_DESCRIPTION).AsString()
rng.Text += "Family : {}\nType : {}\nDescription : {}\n".format(famName, symbName, description)
OUT = 0