Bear with me, but i would like to make a list of randomly-created floats, being created by the millisecond, in an array. And output it to geometry.
I KNOW, that i can just create a final list of [0…100] and obfuscate it into a random list, and that would be done with it.
But i would like to see the random values build up over time. to show the creation of my geometry. Running script “Periodically”
Since you’re using a seeded random generation method the use of sequential iterations doesn’t matter. You can send a value of [0] in, then a value of [0,1], then a value of [0,1,2] and eventually 0…100 and the result for 0 should always be the same. If you start the Now with a different value this will likely become apparent, but the initial string is always unique as the time is never consistent.
If you want true random than each instance then you’ll need to record those values to another location, either a sequential spot in memory (requiring some Python or C# work) or an external file (requiring a Read and Write to disc action).
For the former I don’t have any direction at this time, but there have been similar requests on the forum over the years.
For the later I recommend you look into reading and writing to a CSV, first reading the contents, then generating a new number, then appending the number to the end of the csv, then use all the data to generate your form.
As another alternative you could use Generative Design to generate your random values, execute the graphs, and display them in sequence or even read the values from the history results in sequential order. However this may not be sufficient for your end goal, which isn’t entirely clear to me.
From there you’ll want to append the value to the contents of a CSV when you hit run, do what you will with the numbers, and then write the list of values back to the CSV.