Create ceilings from room boundaries_Post your workaround

Hi everyone.

This post is not a question by itself. Its an explanation of a workaround to model celings in Revit out of room boundaries, given that the api does not support it. I have not found it in other posts so i thought I should share it.

I know that some people use Roof category or Floors as ceilings, but this workaround allows to use the Ceiling category.

The process is very simple:

Extract room boundary > Create revit Model Curves > Group them by ceiling type/offset/level > Get into groups, copy lines, and paste them inside a new ceiling sketch.

I know it can be also done by copying floor boundaries, but when you have 20 different floor instances/boundaries that share the same ceiling (f.e. all bathrooms of a level) you have to get into the floor sketch 20 times. With this method, you can extract those 20 sketches into a model group, and then copy all of them to a certain ceiling.

This has to be repeated for every ceiling type, height and level, but at least there is less “human error margin” and it comes very helpful in large projects with a lot of rooms that share same ceiling types and heights.

Hope that this helps a little, and you’re welcome to share your workarounds for ceiling modelling in this post if you have any better ideas!

PD: If someone is interested in the script I can share it privately.


Thank you so much for sharing this useful work around. I do appreciate it if you could share it with me.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Best Regards,

could you please share with me. much appreciated!