Create Beams From CAD works only perpenticular geometry

Hi dont think it has something to do with version, but you can try something here for 2022, but as you can see you will need some sorting instead of the center layer…


Hi @sovitek . It looks pretty good. I will try it. Thank you so much.

yeps try it :wink: and if you go stock, then just let us know ; :wink:

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i am trying to write script i need extra package i think. i dont have these nodes

curve.byisocurve, curves.toline
BEAM MID-KİRİŞ.dyn (52.6 KB)

Hi @arincakkin …curve by isoline is an OOTB node, curve to line is openmep package but can be find in many i guess…

try something here…and let us know if that could work

forum example.dyn (90.8 KB)

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Thank you so much for your help @sovitek and @jacob.small . I’ve been looking for this solution for a month.


I have copied the script line for every different beam width. Is it possible determine beam width automatically and assign different frame types according to beam width?

yes you could try measure between these point, with the distance to node, it will probably be approximately , but could be handled with a scope if statement or maybe rounding

İs this the corerect way?

Hard to say…try play around with it, it doesnt look like the cad i tried on…so probably its another topic…

Sorry for asking too much but i to know what i am and how i am doing. What does these inputs meanings?

@sovitek , @jacob.small
If the cad lines are not consistently continuous as parallel i script works unexpected way. Like this:

KİRİŞ Açılı.dyn (67.1 KB)

I got another method which can create beams by using uncontinuous parallel
lines but can’t create angled ones.

KirişConsistent.dyn (105.5 KB)
kat1-5 - Kopya.dwg (77.7 KB)
How can i combine these two thing? Creating angled beams from parallel CAD