Create a Profile Family from Curves

I see from Archi-lab’s PolyCurve By Profile Family Type node that you can extract curves.

Anyone know if there’s a node that goes in the opposite direction, that is, creating Profile Families from curves?

Thanks, Ryan

This is totally without “actually” trying to do this, but a Profile family is just a family document that has some curves in it. These curves have a specific Style applied to them, but other than that, it doesn’t seem to me that there is anything special about them. If that’s the case, then I will venture a guess, that its possible to create a Profile Family programmatically, and perhaps even using Dynamo.

That’s all I can say without actually investigating this further. I hope someone has a sample to share.



I’m too in dire need of automating a profile family creation but I can’t find a way. The only node to create a family type requires solid geometry while a profile family doesn’t have even a 3D view…


FYI here’s a solution from @jacob.small in the link below