Create a parameter and set the formula - All in one script

Hi all !
FYI I’m still a newby using Dynamo :slight_smile:

I figured out how to create a parameter within a family
I figured out how to set the formula of this newly added parameter
But I can’t figure out how to merge these two scripts in one… :face_with_peeking_eye:
Could you help ? :grin:

You need to control the process to make sure the parameter is added before trying to set the formula. So try adding a “passthrough” that waits for the output from the add parameter node and passes through the family document into the set formula node. You might have to incorporate a Transaction as well. The transaction will need to be in the same position as the passthrough. You want the script to create the parameter and finish that transaction before starting the set formula transaction.

Thank you @staylor !
Yes I have the idea of what to do but can’t figure out how to do it :smile:
During that time, I found the PAUSE node but it’s not working yet…

hey @work4cad

Why don’t u just fetch the name property from parameter rather then feeding the name from string, it’ll keep the connection in series and not in parallel, here’s a snip

Thank you @bharat.minocha ! That’s works !
I did that before posting but, for some obscure reasons, that did not work…
Have a good day !

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