"Could not check integrity of package download" issue

hi all,

could maybe somebody elaborate what could be the issue with installation of packages?
"Could not check integrity of package download?!

Revit 2021, Dynamo 2.5

Do you get errors / warnings as well of you install the package ‘manually’?

Personally i stopped using the installer from Dynamo and allways install packages ‘manually’.

With ‘manually’ i mean download the package (zip), unzip it in the correct folder. You can add (extra) folders, where packages are stored, in Dynamo.

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Does this error reproduce?

Hi @Marcelo.Rak …I had the same situation on revit 2020, but not in 2021 ?? I thought it was something to do with letters æøå in username…the way i do it on 2020 its the same as @bvs1982 mention…download manually on the webside…

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Hi Jacob,
what would “reproduce” mean in this context?

Yes, I always used installer, however after yours and @sovitek comment, tried to install manually and works perfectly.

So I suppose gonna just continue with that workflow. Thanks for help.

Does the issue persist after a restart of the cpu. If so can you grab a journal from the session and post back here? FYI @Michael_Kirschner2


sorry for late response. Totally forgot about this since I just manually installed and continued with the work. Tried to do it again and the issue persisted. Here is the error log…

Dynamo Log.txt (4.7 KB)

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