@christian.stan @jacob.small @sovitek This dynamo script working based on family type instead of this i want script based on categories (example; structural column), and also replace transform_revit_out with some other node
coordinate tag.dyn (36.0 KB)
since its tough to install that node package
Hello, here is a possible lead
Already i placed that element, I’m take that element coordinates only this dynamo working, i create same parameter once run that dynamo automatically shown that element coordinate.
pls find the attached video link below
I can’t find in the parameters of an element the X and/or X coordinate directly. (force to go through a node)
To send it via SetParameter
I probably have gaps (it’s quite possible)
I tried to help within the limits of my skills at the moment t, I can’t help more sorry
Thanks for trying i attached sample file also
coordinate tag.rvt (5.2 MB)
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high value of co-ordinate some error coming please check
Coordinate ID_2_Revit2019.dyn (51.6 KB)
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Hello, try to Switch to @L2 for value in the Last Node
Hi @kaviyuvi0 Another option… know it isnt dynamo…but diroots have great tool for that…distem i think its called…
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@sovitek ok,thanks for another option but my office doesn’t use the plugin, I’m already trying to install but not allow me.
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Btw not sure it look like you try feed in x,y,z…but only have xy parameter
@sovitek @christian.stan output only I remove z value, but intermediate node also wrong output coming,
my true north angle provides time only this error coming my true north is “0” that time no issue.
Have yo tried this one here from genius loci ?..
your list structure is wrong, try this.
This is working , thank you for supporting @sovitek @christian.stan
Thq , Output properly working bro but coordinate convert only problem
are you sure?!
the same element get 7 times a value.