Hello everyone, I’m a bit lost here. I would like to automate my process, and I would like my selected pipe to be copied, resized, and moved below my main pipe. I did it manually as you can see with that red 1.5mm pipe, so my goal is to add that red pipe below my main pipe.
Hi in my exemple i take the fitting location point, but you could do it with pipelines as well just take endpoint or startpoint from the location line…if it still not works for you then show you whole graph with all nodes expanded
Hello Sovitek, I would like to add one more condition to this workflow. If it’s “Freeze,” I want only one pipe, just like we did before. However, if it’s “Process,” I would like to have two pipes side by side. What would be the best approach to achieve this?
Hi @Henrique.Nandi not really sure you want them now side by side, then we need another thing…here is one exemple for that…Is freeze a systemtype ? you could just filter it out in your selection…
Everything is perfect for my view and 3D elements now thanks to you, thank you very much for that. I have one last question, I promise this will be the last one. I would like to add Electrical - Heat Trace Tape family (Detail Items) over my pipe highlighted in yellow. How can I do that?
Hello Sovitek, I used the DetailComponentByCurve and it worked well for the model lines, meaning I had to draw the model line over my pipe and then select it through the “Select Model Elements.” However, I would like to get references from my pipe, and when I try to do that, I receive a NULL value in the end. What could it be?
Sovitek, good morning. What if in the case of a pipe, I wanted to have 2 pipes running in parallel over my pipe? At what point in my script should I make this change?
almost the same as shown in these post, but try take the locationline translate in Z dir then offset in 2 normal direction and use mepover or openmep for create pipes…but now i think we have 2-3 thing in play in this topic…try play around with it