Copy 3 red points from line 1 to line 2

Hi Guys,
How to copy 3 red points from line 1 perpendicular to Line 2.

Best Regard,

Extend the curves and use intersect to return the points based on the second curve.

My problem is line1 and line 2 are not parallel and the length are not the same.

Hi @christopher.santosRK ,
maybe something like this

Cheers KS

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Thanks! I appreciate it much.

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Hello Kai! I encountered an issue where the script does not run properly if selections are made from right to left and from bottom to top.

hI @christopher.santosRK can flip the vector (reverse) to run both ways this will capture right to left /left to right … there will be a smarter way to capture the variants but it escapes me atm.

You can project either way by moving the distance to a point along the normal away from the curve and back double the distance as a line.


or probably plane at parameter and an intersect, should work in all direction

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Hi Kai, Thanks a lot. It’s working now. Cheers!