Hola Amigos buenas, como estan??
Amigos, I have a problem of data type, export information from dynamic blocks to excel sheets, each sheet by type of block to organize its attributes and dynamic parameters with their values, as well as its coordinate system to use it as origin. the problem is that when exporting the CS becomes String!
and I can not reuse it, it has exactly the same format only that no longer recognizes it as CS but as String, is there any way to transform it back into CS?
I searched but found nothing, I only found the MapConnection package but apparently it is not able to transform string in CS either!
How much do you value the accuracy after the 3rd decimal point? Once you convert to a string you only have 3 values of precision to work with, so 0.9995 becomes 1.000, and the like. Being off by 5/1000 of a millimeter might not matter for the point, but for rotations of larger objects it may be devastating. I recommend going back to the drawing board and finding another way to export the data - assuming you’re in Civil 3D you an utilize a Data.Remember node, or you could try a ToSolidDef node, or extract the components of the coordiante system and send that to excel. Something like this: [cs.Origin.X, cs.Origin.Y, cs.Origin.Z, cs.XAxis.X, cs.XAxis.Y, cs.XAxis.Z, cs.YAxis.X, cs.YAxis.Y, cs.YAxis.Z, cs.ZAxis.X, cs.ZAxis.Y, cs.ZAxis.Z];
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Hey Amigo @jacob.small buenas. Thanks for the answer man, the presicion is not an issue, the files are electric schemas like in the imagge, we can use even round integers, the elements are dynamique blocks and the drawing office wants to update existing files with the newest version of the block and keep the dynamique parameters values and attribute values, that is why i choose use CS instead to get the location, rotation and schale separately, data remember sounds interesting, exist in default C3D Dynamo or came in a diferent package??
Happy Holidays by the way!!
Same to you!
Install Revit and Civil 3D, matching version (i.e. 2023 for both). In Dynamo for Civil 3D, add a directory to the path of Revit’s ProgramData folder that is listed in the Revit package settings. This will get Civil 3D to try and load the packages which ship with Revit, currently consisting of Generative Deisgn and nothing else of note. From there restart civil 3D, and you should have Generative Design working in the context of Dynamo for Civil 3D. The Data.Remember node will then work for you just fine. 
The other option of ToSolidDef would not require the setup, however that requires converting things to simpler geometry (ie: points) instead of the coordinate system, so likely best to endable Generative Design (it’s a great feature anyway