Converting OOTB Revit Node to Python - CurveElement.Curve

I’m working on a graph and at the same time trying to improve my python skills.

So I’m attempting to take some of the OOTB Revit nodes and convert them to code in a Python Node.

So what I have so far is a list of elements. For my example they are just Detail Lines.
I’m inputting that list into a Python node and then looping through the list attempting to extract the curve of the element.

So my code:

# Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# Import RevitNodes
import Revit

# Import Revit elements
from Revit.Elements import *

# Import DocumentManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

import System

# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.

inCurves = list(UnwrapElement(IN[0]))

test = []

for x in inCurves:
	temp = Revit.Elements.CurveElement(x)

OUT = test

Using the OOTB node I end up with the curve of the Detail Lines, but using the code I get an error. Not sure why, but also not sure if my code is right.


TypeError: Cannot create instances of CurveElement because it is abstract

Here is a screenshot of the OOTB node and the Python node as well.


here an example

I tried your suggestion and I end up with an empty list as a result.

because you have already a list at input IN[0],
inCurves = [IN[0]]
inCurves = IN[0]
or implement a logical condition

Thank you so much.

That works perfectly.