Converting Compound Walls to separate Walls

Thanks so much!!!, that was the problem. Sorry for the late reply. Have an amazing day!

What is the final script that works? Screenshot …
Thank you for this script.

Good day, for the revit 2023 version the nodes do not work, some alternative that I recommend


Make sure to install the DynamoIronPython2.7 package as explained in the Genius Loci package description.

If I have it installed, I don’t understand what I’m missing

Hi probably its a stacked wall you select


I selected a basic wall


Open the model detached. Delete everything else from the model except the selected element. Then delete all views except the default view. Delete all layers except for those constraining the wall. Then purge unused three times. Confirm the issue persists for you. Then post the rvt here so we can confirm if it is your system or the file.

Hello, see figure and remark from Mr. Poupin here

via package

Don’t forget to uninstall 3.0 from the package manager
and exit dynamo and restart revit before reinstalling 2.5

I did what he asked me to do and it didn’t solve it, then I opened a new model and tried it and it didn’t solve it even though I purged the revit.
thank you.

Need you to post the .rvt file.

Make sure you have IronPython2 version 2.5 installed as well. Your previous screenshots indicate you do not, as was shown by @christian.stan.

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there you go

muro.rvt (3.5 MB)

install what you gave me.
It keeps showing me the error I thought I installed iron python 2.5

I have version 2.5 installed

muro .dyn (9.3 KB)
muro.rvt (3.5 MB)


It is working fine for me.
Make sure your Genius Loci package is up to date.



thanks to each person for their support and time

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