Connect Pipe to Tee without System Classification and Type

Hi there,

I am trying to connect a pipe to a new tee (without System Classification and System Type) with a dynamo script using MEPOVER.

This is the script that I am using for the connection.

2-Connector-Verbinden_2023_001.dyn (28.8 KB)

The script doesn’t work as it should be.
Then I tried to connect the pipe and tee manuelly in Revit and split them again.
Now the script works well.

Two Questions:

  1. Is there any way to set the System Classification and System Type of Tee? I tried the o|Pipe.SetSystemType from Orchid Package, but it didn’t change it.
  2. What happens when I drag and drop the pipe-connector to the tee-connector? How to achieve this function using Dynamo?

Thanks a lot for any replies.

Hi @yaoyx001 not sure if something here could help…Set undefined system type parameter - #8 by sovitek

Thanks for the reply @sovitek.

It is a great idea, to draw a pipe and then connect. I can’t find the last Node “merge DuctorPipes” in the packages.
1.Could you tell me from which package it comes?
2. Will it work also on fittings like this tee?

Merge node is from Genius Loci…yes think it will work on tee as well

thanks again.
The merge node works well for the pipes but not for the fittings.

Is any node that can achieve the “daw a pipe from a connector of fitting” function?

I treid the “Pipe.byConnectorEndpoint” from Mepover, but it didn’t work. I think because the fitting has no default System Type, and it can’t draw a pipe without a Sytem Type.

Probably something here if i understand right, i use openmep package and genius loci…


and with connector and endpoint…seems to be more stable…


great! Thanks so much. With the Node in OpenMEP it works well!

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can you pls share the DNY code I try many times to download OpenMEPpackage and it’s no appear with packages !!

Hi @mabdelwahedHMVM8 dont have it anymore, just an example…dont understand why you cant find these nodes in openmep…be sure you have the updated version…Release · chuongmep/OpenMEP · GitHub

PS element connector and connector is connected nodes is from mepover but you could find similar in OpenMep…merge pipes is from genius loci

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