Comparing points in a list is not working!

@ali.safiaddine - You might not be getting the results you expect because your points might not be equal. So, a few tips:

(1) Even if your points appear to be equal in the preview/watch nodes they might not actually be equal because of the precision of the number format you have chosen. Take the example that I pasted below. These two points are actually off by 0.00002 in the Z, but due to the number format they both appear as 10.455 in the preview bubble.

(2) Additionally, the == node does not find equality of objects but if values are equal(typically booleans, numbers, or strings). To compare points, you could use the “Equals” node. For other geometry, you can try using the “Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo” node (but it might not work as expected for complex geometry).

I have attached a dyn for you to play with if you want. Hope that helps.
EqualsGeometry.dyn (17.8 KB)