Hi guys
I have 10 list. In each list there are 15 sublists and in each one of this sublist 2 points. I want to combine all the sublists with the index 0, 1, 2…until 15. ¿How can I do that? I have try list combine, list transpose…and those doesn´t work¡¡
Is the second point of the sublist n always equal to the first point of the sublist n+1? what about the last sublist? Are there relations between the 11 lists?
For this example I used random points imagining that the last point of the 15th sublist is the same of the first of the 1st, so that I could ignore it. You could play with List.UniqueItems and ProneDuplciates nodes if you need more control…
sorry @GregX maybe I explained myself wrong…what I need is to combine the sublist 0 of the list 3 with the sublist0 of the list 4. Then the sublist 0of the list 4 with the sublist 0 of the list 5…and keep like this until finish
Sublist1 List 1 with Sublist 1 list2…Maybe like this i have explained myself better? thank u¡¡
Yeah thats the solution…i dot know why the other day It was impossible to solve that, maybe it was to late…I have use list transpose+list sublist and the list map with list flatten to get the final solution
Thank u @Dimitar_Venkov and also thanks to @GregX