I have 2 lists of solids (first for the ones left, second for the ones right).
But need to combine these lists pairing 54 with 55, so on and so forth. And I can’t figure how.
I have 2 lists of solids (first for the ones left, second for the ones right).
But need to combine these lists pairing 54 with 55, so on and so forth. And I can’t figure how.
Does solid union do the job?
Kinda. The node unites all solids, even the ones with no intersection. The need to organize the list is to use Solid.Union later to weld the ones that actually intersects. Tha’s why I need the list with levels, 2 units at each level.
I did a little dig and found this method thad did the job.
Solid.Union into Solid.Separate should do the trick, but you may be a year or two’s worth of updates before that node is in the library. Best to double check what options you have for modifiers (red lightening bolt) in the Dynamo library for the solid class.
My firm is nostalgic and let me stuck in year 2017, with Revit 2018 and Dynamo 2.0.3.
Then you’re stuck writing your own code - I don’t even have a valid geometry library to test with…
Be sure to let the decision makers know they are missing 4 years (ages in terms of computers) of security updates.