Combining list items into a string

Hi All, I’ve been using Dynamo now for about 2 weeks with good success. However, I’ve run across something that has stumped me. I’m trying to take items from a list and combine them into a string, which seems simple enough, but has proved difficult: I would like to take each equipment tag from a list and combine it into a string separated with “,” and place an “&” before the last one. So in the example below it would read “VCB-3, VCB-4, & VCB-5”. I’m assuming this will require a python script, but my computer programming is quite limited.


Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.














I am new to Dynamo too, so probably someone would have a better solution for this.


Hi Dan,

You should be able to get what you want with a few list- and string- nodes as shown below.

List.DropLast is from Dimitar’s SpringNodes package, but there are probably ways of doing the same thing with the built-in nodes.

Note the space characters included in the input strings (", " rather than “,”) if you want spaces in the output string.

Kind regards,


File: string.dyn


Hey, three different methods in two minutes: Fantastic!!

Yes, as Gustavo shows, List.DropItems with -1 as input does the same thing as List.DropLast, and it’s a built-in node.

Kind regards,



Thank you all for your responses. Great stuff! I ended up coming up with something, but I think your solutions will work better, and be more efficient:


If I knew python scripting a bit better I’m sure I could find a way to automate it a bit better. Thanks again for your help! Dan

Yes, I’ve got a few list management nodes that are just wrappers around the built in nodes. They’re there for when I’m too lazy to place two nodes instead of one :slight_smile:

List.Split is another one:

Taking a leaf out of some of the earlier responses :slight_smile:

Or in pure Python, just for fun.

Using a couple of Python’s string methods:


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