BUT in python i got not the right way… zip funktion makes a list instat of concat
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure import *
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *
from System.Collections.Generic import List
import Revit
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Rooms)
rooms = collector.WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()
param1 = []
for i in rooms:
for j in i.Parameters:
p = (i.LookupParameter("Bauteil").AsString())
param2 = []
for i in rooms:
for j in i.Parameters:
p = (i.LookupParameter("Geschoss").AsString())
param3 = []
for i in rooms:
for j in i.Parameters:
p = (i.LookupParameter("Geschoss").AsString())
output = []
for i in zip(param1,param2,param3):
OUT = output
how to make my code working and more smooth (comprehensive)
collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls)
walls = collector.WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()
for i in walls:
p = str(i.LookupParameter("Longueur").AsDouble())
q = str(i.LookupParameter("Surface").AsDouble())
r = str(i.LookupParameter("Volume").AsDouble())
param_c.append('test '+ p +" "+ q +" "+ r)
OUT = param_c
To quote the GOAT…" LookupParameter will only retrieve the first parameter of the given name. In order to use it, you must be absolutely certain that only one parameter with the given name exists."
Some other thoughts… Please bear in mind I’m an amateur and I’m sure real coders will point out my failings
Hope that is useful,
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Rooms)
rooms = collector.WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()
# i would always do lots of commenting to help future you :)
# it is also good for saving useful bits of code
## params = element.GetOrderedParameters()
# i find this structure quite good, there is a full style guide
# called PEP8if you are interested :)
# declaring variables
separator = "_"
BIP_roomName = BuiltInParameter.ROOM_NAME
BIP_roomNo = BuiltInParameter.ROOM_NUMBER
BIP_roomHeight = BuiltInParameter.ROOM_HEIGHT
BIP_List = [BIP_roomName, BIP_roomNo, BIP_roomHeight]
# a def can be reused over and over, reducing duplication
# if you need to you can also use clases
def paramValues(room):
# AsValueString will get the value whatever the output type
vals_List = [(room.get_Parameter(BIP).AsValueString()) for BIP in BIP_List]
# there are loads of useful python methods such as join
return separator.join(vals_List)
# list comprehension reduces the space taken
# i like to keep variables human readable, avoiding 'i in walls' etc.
OUT = [(paramValues(room)) for room in rooms]
Can i just add to the above that it is always worth considering weather you want this data to be retrievable later and amend your initial code with some delimeters. If you do you should be placing deliminators into your joined string for later deciphering.
My example shown below is not great (But it worked for what i needed) but it shows the intended data retreival at a later date.
# Input
input_list = IN[0] # The modified format list
# Initialize lists for list1 and list2
list1 = []
list2 = []
# Iterate over the items in the input list
for item in input_list:
# Split the item by " | " to separate the groups
groups = item.split(" | ")
# Initialize lists for the current item's list1 and list2
item_list1 = []
item_list2 = []
# Iterate over the groups
for group in groups:
# Split each group by " ~ " to get the items
items = group.split(" ~ ")
# Append the first item to the current item's list1 and the second item to list2
# Append the current item's list1 and list2 to the overall lists
# Output
OUT = (list1, list2) # Tuple containing the original list1 and list2
for me intresting is to declare AsString also as str … than it works …
collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Rooms)
rooms = collector.WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()
for i in rooms:
p = str(i.LookupParameter("Bauteil").AsString())
q = str(i.LookupParameter("Geschoss").AsString())
r = str(i.LookupParameter("Top").AsString())
a = "M03" + p + q + r
OUT = param_c