Combine multiple lists with separator

I have 3 lists that I want to combine, and include all possible combinations.

List 1: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
List 2: 0, 1
List 3: A, B, C, D, E

I want the new list to be
0, 0, A
0, 0, B

I tried in a code block a+ “,” + b + “,” c

but this did not list all possibilities,

For simplicity sake I reduced the length of the text that is being combined.

I have seen lots of similar topics in the past, did you check all the solutions already available? Here are some useful links that helps to find the needed information:

Thanks but i have searched a ton of threads and even those have not gotten me the desired result.

Try List.Combine + List.Join as a comb, both nodes should have the same number of list inputs.
Or see this thread:

I tried this and it does not get the desired result. I dont want sublists i want one list with each of the 3 other lists separated by a comma and with all possible combinations of it.

You need to look into level syntax and use the appropriate levels.

Maybe take a look at replication guides: