Color range distrubution

Hi there,

I have a question regarding color range mapping. Color range is always distributing colors equally between the first element and the last element parameter.

For example I have 4 floors and dynamo reads the description from these floors and I have overridden the floors according to their descriptions and dynamo sets the color overrides for these 4 floors.

And if I add a new floor type then dynamo doesn’t create a new color for the new floor type. It just takes the first and last floor type as constant and redistributes the between values. So when I add or remove floor types, then the whole color range changes.

Anyone has an incremented solution to this problem?

Ok, solved it on my own.

@GregX this post helped a lot.

And @Vikram_Subbaiah, his crane approach was great to read.

Thanks a lot.


Something similar but to work with text type parameters?

I think you have to create a new topic for this.

I hope this gets the job done, but you have to be careful about the length of the text type parameters.(it would be great if they are all equally length) For example if I add a 4th type saying applejuice in the list above, then it doesn’t work.

Basicly what you need to do is to convert some string list (text type parameters) into a dictionary of numbers (or list)