Coincident XYZ points

Hello Dear,
Have a nice day.

I am a beginner Dynamo user and I am trying to extract the coordinate “XYZ Start Point and End Point” of the beam, but it results show that some points are coincident. So, could you please check it, thank you so much.

BeamStart&EndPointTest.dyn (43.4 KB)

the result indicates that you only have beams aligned along the Y axis and not inclined (same X and Z values)


Thank you for your answer. Could you pls check the result table again? Maybe your answer has a mistake.
This result shows that Start X and End X have located at the same point, and Start Z and End Z have located at the same point.
I think this means that these beams haven’t distance for both the X and Z axis. But actually, the model has the beam distance.

Looks more like a List management issue inside the Dynamo workflow.
Can you post a snip of your graph with the preview drop downs expanded?

Did you mean this snap?
I uploaded the .dyn file in my 1st post. Could you please check?

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Some of those beams don’t have an X or Z distance though. They’re aligned whith each other on both of those axis, the only differing values should be the Y points (which do differ).

See the snip below, none of those change in X or Y axis location. There’s also 11 of them, which does match the 11 values align at -9202 X and 3800 Z in your spreadsheet (though they may not be the same beams, a few of your grids/levels have 11).


Thank you so much for your explanation!!! Now I got it.