Coincident points

Dear all,
I am getting the “points are likely coincident” error when I am trying to plot the polyline out of my coordinate points by using “PolyCurve.ByPoints”. I have changed my number format to 4 digits after the decimal.

My coordinate points are something like this:
Point(X = 480053.107, Y = 4417306.727, Z = 917.427)
Point(X = 480056.746, Y = 4417287.061, Z = 918.693)
Point(X = 480060.008, Y = 4417269.430, Z = 920.669)
Point(X = 480060.385, Y = 4417267.395, Z = 920.899)
Point(X = 480064.024, Y = 4417247.729, Z = 924.143)

How can I resolve this?
Many thanks

Hi…does it work if you set scaling to largest…

Hi Sovitek,
Scaling is already set to “Extra Large”. It is not working with “Extra Large” as well.

Can you post your graph?

I recommend keeping the scaling at medium and ignoring the geometry scaling warning.

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Think Jacob is right try keep medium and it should work…but will just give a warning…

Agree with Jacob
In Civil 3D it’s always a recommendation to set the geometry scaling to medium.

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Thanks Patrick…dont work so much in civil and rare have that issue in revit…but here is an alternative way without warning…and should work as well i think…

Note that Dynamo might throw a warning on the Point.ByCoordinates node in some circumstances with the List.Create > List.Transpose > Deconstruct the list method. Putting it into a single code block would be even more consistent, but even that warning can show up in some cases.

Function passing will always work, as application of a function suppresses ALL warnings. Would look something like this:

Note that I do not recommend using this extensively without some added validation tools. Say the points list had an actual duplicate point - the polycurve would fail to generate without informing the user of the issue. For one polycurve that’s likely quite apparent, but for 20 polycurves, likely a bigger issue.


Yes thats the way…thanks Jacob

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