Codeblock Lacing - within Conditional Statement

Hi guys,

I am trying to create a tidier code block to find elements and organise elements in a list based on a conditional statement (for each string in the selection list or ‘testlist’, if the string exists in the list of grid names ‘a’ add the grid curve).

I would like to try and reduce the codeblock by lacing the lists, avoiding a list of conditional statements or a loop. I haven’t had any success with adding “<1>” lacing to the lists in the conditional statement - I am wondering whether this is possible. I have also tried a more manual lacing attempt by creating a list of lists to test.

Any help or suggestions to tidy this solution up with code blocks much appreciated!





You want to extract the curves of grids that have “ZX” in their name?

If that is the case you just need to do the following…
