Code blocks questions and issues

I have been having a pretty tough time understanding code blocks.
I assumed that the functions would return values of 3 and 5 respectively.
How come I am getting “null” values in the to functions at the top?test-codeblock
How come I get lists on the functions at the bottom?

Also, I am not sure I understand if using “return” vs “some other word” affects the function definition

Is there a code block syntax primer out there? (esp related to loop syntax)

There used to be a document at the designscript website but it appears to be gone





At the top, you’re getting single null values because you’re not feeding anything into the functions. At the bottom, you’re getting a list of null values because you’re feeding a list of items into the function but you are still missing an argument (input b). You can find a language manual on the Learn page of this site.