Code Blocks Erased & Nodes Stacked

Ran into an issue this morning I have not see before; when I opened a .dyn file, all the nodes were stacked and all my text in code blocks had been erased. I have been the only one in this file since yesterday evening.

Has anyone else had this issue happen to them? If so, what were your steps to correct it?


I had this several times. Just restart Revit oder even your Computer and reopen it!
Thanks to god, that all your Nodes are not overlapping! :slight_smile:


They originally were overlapping, but that was mostly cleared up with “Ctrl + L”. Tried restarting workstation but R21 still has a fit. If I open the same file in R22 and it looks fine :frowning:

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Uninstalled Archi-lab_Mandrill package and it went back to working properly :slight_smile: