I’m getting null does anyone can help?
Try adding a List.Create node between the copy to level node and the selection set node.
Also make sure you are on the latest version of clockwork.
It works fine with one element
I think @joao.jorge, you are running into trouble, because you are creating a new instance of the wall in the same run as well as trying to create the selection set.
A job for the either a PassThrough node from Clockwork or a transaction node?
Hi, I tried for one element just to create a set without the copy of elements. Still doesn t work.
Im using dynamo 2.0
And the latest version of the package.
Oh! Odd.
Ok I just tried Revit 2019 and i’m guessing that’s what you’re using since that gives me null aswell
The node looks the same under the hood, so maybe it’s a change in the API?
Whats even more odd is that i tried in another project and it worked.
Maybe is something in the project im working in
Ok I’m lost then
I just had a quick look. The API call hasn’t changed from 2018 to 2019, and when I copy the content of the Python script from inside of the dyf, I get a warning i haven’t seen before.
Sorry I don’t have time to investigate further. Let’s see if Andy responds to this thread
Yes, is a bit strange. I dont know what to do either…
But thank you very much anyway.
Are your projects workshared?
No, I did create an Nwc of the model don t know if that influences anything.
Try worksharing the project and see if that changes the behavior.
Ok, I will try this thank you