Hi, on the left works. Clashes the circles on every level to get the 1 right one for the surface. I’m trying to make it more efficient by grouping the circles to the same level as the surfaces to have less clashes to find the answer. But I don’t think I can get the intersect node on the right to work in the way I’m thinking
Thanks Draxl. I have flicked through every combo of lacing I can think of with cross, long, short and all levels and fixed structures
I’m not sure i follow what you are asking, are you tring to check EACH item from the circle list with EVERY item from the surface list in the same list number ie: List 0 to List 0?
If my guess isn’t correct, can you try explaining it a little differently, else i’m sorry i don’t follow.
Here is a beautiful picture to demonstrate what i think you are doing
Yo! haha I am cracking up. Clear explanations with dynamo has never been my strong suit. In my head its doing the opposite of your delightful picture and explanation Not sure if that achieves the same thing. All of the circles in 0 @2 clashed with each of the surfaces in 0 @2 surfaces. There will be 1 true of those circles to each surface.
ah haha… i understand now.
i’m sure if my method is not the correct way but i did do this once and it is loosely described below.
1.chop the surface list and duplciate the circles list by the amount of surfaces.
2.Add 1 surface to the top of each of the circles list so you end up with a 4 level list, like so;
You can then perform the Geometry does intersect as a longest lacing @L4 on the surface and @L3 on the circles
Past that, its a bit of juggling with the list management to re-form the original structure it went in with / to filter out the goodies from the badies.
I couldn’t find any way around this other than Python Nodes, and since my use case was really specific i’d need to re-build the test enviroment to do it (It was pulling data from an excel file / linked models). I make no promises in the short term and hope that someone here has a much smarterer and better way…
Isn’t it just Autodesk.Geometry.Intersect(geom<1>, other<1><2>) codeblock?
Thanks Vikram. They are already unioned surfaces to particular model groups. So not sure if it’d work unless it can find the unioned surface within.
It was just that! Thanks. Just had to change to DoesIntersect. Great new thing to learn. Way faster calc time