Check intersection between surfaces

The first three images below represents how I want the result in just one node. Each of the three should be in different sublists and be the result in the last image. How can it be done?

Don’t have a test model to check, but have you tried setting the levels along with lacing on the Geometry.DoesIntersect node?

Complex list structures with specific “lacing” isn’t always possible with list levels alone. You probably need to change the list structure. When in doubt, create one-to-one matching inputs.

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It feels like I’ve tested every possible lacing and level possibility. I agree with @Nick_Boyts that I probably need to change the list structure. Any suggestion on how to tweek this?

Attaching a test script.
Script_example.dyn (31.6 KB)

Look into Cross Product Lacing and Sublists
and after

it will look like