Civil 3D 2024.3 bug?

Hello forum,

I am running Civil 3D 2024.3 with this Dynamo version

When I save a script and I open it up again, some nodes show their ports (inputs & output) duplicated. If I close the script and I open it again, the ports are duplicated again. So weird.

Please find a recording where I show the issue:

Anyone has experienced this before?

I have installed as package Civil3DToolkit (@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 ) and Camber (@zachri.jensen )

Thank you so much.

It can happen with Zero Touch nodes that show a dropdown but do not have a JSON constructor.

Is it only in Civil 3D 2024.3 or also 2023 or earlier? Do you have the latest updates of Civil3DToolkit and Camber? No other packages installed?

This issue often occurs when there is some other third-party plugin/package in the system that is trying to load a conflicting version of Newtonsoft.JSON than what Dynamo ships with. Neither the Civil 3D Toolkit nor Camber include that library, so that likely isn’t the issue. So it could potentially be another plug-in that is loaded in Civil 3D. You’ll need to remove each plugin one-by-one until the issue goes away, and then notify the plug-in developers.


Cal also be due to a Civil 3D add-in loading a mismatched version of Newtonsoft JSON or other libraries.

Disable all add-ins and see if that fixes stuff.

Thank you all for your replies, @jacob.small , @zachri.jensen , @Anton_Huizinga .

I troubleshoot it and I got some takeaways:

  1. Everything is working fine in C3D’23 having Camber + Civil3DToolkit both in their latest versions.
  2. In C3D’24.3:
    2.1. I uninstalled Camber + Civil3DToolkit. I do not have any other package.
    2.2. I uninstalled a custom add-in I have.
    2.3. I reinstall only Civil3DToolkit to see if Camber has the issue.
    2.4. Issue remains :disappointed_relieved:

Hi @JMCiller

Did you solve the issue? I am having the same problem and uninstalling and reinstalling packages did not work for me either.

do you have any add-in installed in your C3D version?