Check or uncheck checkbox in schedules

Hi everybody,

I have a schedules with quantities. For all my Revit elements, I have a checkbox “Count check”.
If this Checkbox is uncheck, the elements is counted, if it’s Check is not counted.
right now, the operation of check or uncheck is done manually… but for big project is too complicated.
I want to use dynamo to uncheck this checkbox in my schedule.
Is it possible? modify schedule with dynamo?

thanks a lot for your futur help

Sorry for my not very good english.


A Revit schedule is just a list of elements and their properties. You would likely have to make these changes to the elements, not the schedule.

Which elements get checked and which don’t? Does this change from project to project? There might be a better way to handle this.

Yes that’s what I thought.
But my boss want a visuel control over what is counted.
so I use this checkbox that I modify in my schedule.
And in a 3D view I make a filter that hides the elements that have this checkbox uncheck.
if the items are not in a schedule. it must not be uncheck… Is not easy :slight_smile:
elements checked are not in schedule.
elements unchecked are in schedule

Thanks for your answer

What I’m trying to explain is that a schedule is just a representation of elements in a project. Checking a box in the schedule is just checking a box on all those elements. You’ll essentially have to use Dynamo to select all the elements in your project using the same criteria as your schedule and check the box that way.

But the important question is how do you determine what needs to be counted and what doesn’t? Are walls always counted? Are they never counted? Do some wall types get counted and others don’t? Does it change from project to project? How will Dynamo know which items need to be in the schedule and which don’t?

you can get these elements and use the node SetParameterValuebyName, and use the value as True,Flase … this will checked / unchecked the checkbox

I thought no you actually have to use 0 or 1 as check boxes are actually integer driven in Revit.

Hi everybody,
Thanks for your answer.
All my elements are counted. But my boss want visual proof that all the elements are well in a Schedule.
I found this idea of checkbox but uncheck the box for all the Schedule manually is too long for big project.
I did some research and it’s not possible to manipulate parameters of elements in schedule with dynamo. And to have the notion of being or not in a schedule.
Thanks to all

As @Nick_Boyts pointed out above, you are NOT manipulating the schedule, but rather the parameters of the elements shown IN the schedule. This is completely possible to do in Dynamo and would be quite easy. Perhaps if you shared some images or the graph you were working on we could get you sorted.