Activate check in schedules ...?!?

Very good days.
I want to Activate these CHECKs by means of dynamo, this is due to the fact that a large number of these boxes and I have to do them manually, is there any possibility of doing it all at once…?? thank you :roll_eyes:

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you can sort your schedule by this parameter, list it by its value identity … …than you can “activate” all at once!



Along the same lines as what @Draxl_Andreas is directing, if you don’t want to change the sorting/grouping of that schedule, duplicate it. Then in that one, remove all sorting/grouping and make sure Itemize Every Instance is not checked. This should compile everything down to just one line. Then you just need to check the one box and that will apply to all of the elements. After that you can delete the duplicated schedule.

If you really want to do it with Dynamo. Then have your script get all elements in the active view. Then set that parameter value to “yes” or 1 of all the elements. You must have the schedule open as the active view to do it this way.

be able to do it through DYNAMO …??

Okay. Construct your script based on the outline I provided. If you get stuck with any part then we can help you with that.


so when you set it to “true” than you can set the rest to “false”… in Dynamo it works like this :wink:

GetSetByCondition.dyn (9.8 KB)

x != 1 ? 0 : x #thats my favourite :)


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