Hi all the masters,
I am new to dynamo and I have tried to change the wall type name to uppercase. However I cannot make it work and it seems doesn’t pick the actual wall type name. Anyone can help? much appreciate!
Hi all the masters,
I am new to dynamo and I have tried to change the wall type name to uppercase. However I cannot make it work and it seems doesn’t pick the actual wall type name. Anyone can help? much appreciate!
Hi Dylan,
There is a node from clockwork package called “Element.SetName” that will help you changing wall type names.
Hi kulkul,
Thanks for your kindly help. I realize you actually use “WallType.Name” to replace “string from object” which I have used to tackle the issue. May I ask how to choose?
For instance, in this situation we use “WallType.Name” while sometimes “sting to uppercase” is directly connect to “element.GetParameterValueByName” and also in some cases we need to plug “sting from object” inbetween those two. Could you brief me a little bit further?
Since “WallType.Name” node already converts to string you don’t need to use string from object. Cases where there is no Type.Name node you can use “Element.Name” node to get string values.
HI Kulkul,
thanks for your sharing knowledge and all clear now. I have realized that the default Element.setparameterby name is not working for this case. But i have checked current Clockwork package is up to dynamo 0.9 while my dynamo is version 1.1.0. Is there anyway to resolve this or I have to wait? Thanks
hi Kulkul,
I have tested the clockwork " Elementsetname" 0.90.7 is still working for dynamo , so there is no drama. Thank you very much.