I have changed all the material names and then changed the texture file path with “Genius Loci_Material Change Texture Path”.
Some of the new texture file can be catched but with wrong orders, some just missing.
Is it possible to I tell Dynamo to pick up the new texture file names orderly?
Hi, @Alban_de_Chasteigner in the first place great nodes! I have no trouble reassigning the textures when I browse the jpg files. However, when I try to use a path I constructed on my own, I get only a null. It be great if you could point me to a solution. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the Dynamo forum.
It’s difficult to help you without seeing the full graph and a sample Revit file.
Can you add the .dyn and a small .rvt files ? (with a web hosting platform like google drive, Dropbox, … if you can’t post these files on the forum for the moment)
Could you provide your new script? I have the same issue, but receiving nulls while juste replacing portions of the string. I noticed my Lists are not flat. Using Revit 2021 with newest Dynamo. Any ideas?
Thank you so much for you quick reply!
So it is not possible to change for example the Bump or Cutout textures? The main issue while I am dealing with this at all is the following:
We have a adsklib with materials for renderings, each with multiple PBR Textures and they are lying on a NAS. Due to home office we would like to be able to move the directory to the laptops, but Revit does not offer a solution for updating file paths and is not able to work with realtive filepaths for textures …
Also: Adding the texture directory in the revit options under rendering is not working.
I cant think of clicking ~100 textures and assigning each texture anew.