Did anyone else also encountered this issue while Changing TypeId using method ChangeTypeId
being retured with a warning as shown below:
And at the same time if i change the engine it’ll execute perfectly, Weird??
so finally here if someone also bumped into the same, even found a unresolved thread as well seem quite old.
In IronPython i used the following code to change an elementtype:
This works fine no problems.
RDB for me is: import Autodesk.Revit.DB as RDB, NX in an index number to list.
In Cpython3 I get the following errormassage:
“No method matches given arguments for ChangeTypeId”
The API in not changed so the method most be there.
I added “RDB.ElementId(…)” to be sure the given type is an ElementId
The element i am working with is a …
Here is an example of the function in Cpython
if NewFamily:
GPI = NewFamily.GetType().GetMethod("ChangeTypeId")
GPI.Invoke(NewFamily, [ElementId(AnyGridType.Id)])
Create new family or existing.
Get the righte Method
Use an Invoke to execute the right methode
It works for me.
Hi @c.poupin & @b.vanderhoeven
This method worked like charm but @c.poupin still curious why the other overload isn’t working the one u mentioned in previous thread, here’s an implementation of it
It’s asking for doc, Icollection and ElementId. All 3 given so what did i miss…??
The second method is an static method
Online Documentation for Autodesk's Revit API: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2017.1, 2018
Oh yesssss…!!! @c.poupin Thankyou both the method working perfectly.
i missed that it was static Method, instead i was calling it as an Instance method.
Marked the solution
And glad to have this community.