Change "location" of lighting devices


as the name suggests, i want to change the data associated with lighting devices:

as you can see the elements are on level 01, 02 and roof, but are referenced on level 00
manually i can go to each element and change the associated level and the “elevation from level” parameter is fixed automatically, maintaining the location of the element.

so i created a script that does exactly that, collect all elements, filter them, then change the level and here is where i encountered a problem:

is there a way around it? or am i going about the problem the wrong way?

Hi @NERDASORUS are you sure your lighning have a level parameter, probabobly its schedule level or reference level when you set the parameter

so sorry, you are correct, its a schedule level.
is there a way to modify it?

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dont think so its buildin parameter…but you could try something here, if i understand :wink:

Dear @Alban_de_Chasteigner

regarding the subject above would really like your input, i have searched and found that “Change Element Level” node does exactly that.

the problem is i need to use “levels” OOTB node for the level input, for some reason i cant use “Closest Level” node which is perfect for the workflow.

am i doing something wrong? why isnt closest level working?

Hi try something here and see if it could work

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