how can i change the linear dimension style of a lot of dimension in the drawing by dynamo?
i can’t use the change family type node from archi lab because it won’t work in dynamo 1.2.1
i tried several things
the image is the most recent attempt
It should work. The IN[2] item could be an inappropriate choice: try to use one with a specific name that you set by yourself, so that you can recognize it…
There is no need to use Clockwork as this can be done with OOTB (out of the box) nodes like so. Again, pay attention to Dimension Type selected as it has to match the type that you are trying to replace. You can’t take an angular dimension and replace it with linear type.
When searching the output of the Python Script, I can not perform a “Indexof” or a List.ContainsItem". Why? It looks like a list but the values seem to be unreadable… Thoughts? Thanks for the help
I tried both your recommendations but to no avail. I want to change all instances of a dimension type to another type. Something is missing.
I assumed the process would follow:
Select an element
Select a type
select all types
Change type to another
I don’t see a select all types in that. Am i wrong?? I always try to get my head around something even if I am way off.
Thank you. It is kind of working, but it is not selecting all of that type. The select model elements node allows me to select the element, but there are 100’s of that type i want to change.
The reason why I can not just select a type and select all instances in project, there are some groups across multiple views, so it does not allow me to select them all just change the type.